2.5. Sensor Fields

Sensor fields are the fields of data saved in a sensor stream. Together they make up the sensor schema.

Each sensor has the following default fields:

Field Name Information
value The numerical data for the sensor. Required.
lat The latitude of the sensor. Required.
lng The longitude of the sensor. Required.
message The string message for the sensor. Not Required.

Each sensor field consists of the following:

Field Name Information
name The unique name for the sensor field. It is required when creating/updating/deleting a field and cannot be changed.
longName The display name for the field.
type Can be “NUMBER” or “STRING”. It is required when creating/updating a field.
required Is a boolean field. If true, data sent to a sensor must include this field or an error will result. Optional.
units Is a string. Optional.
index The numerical index of the field used to maintain ordering. This field is automatically generated by the system and is read only.
value The last value of this sensor field received by the sensor when sending data. This is a read only field set when the sensor receives data for this field.
lastUpdate The time stamp of the last value sent to the field. This is a read only field set when the sensor receives data for this field.

2.5.1. Querying Sensor Fields

To retrieve the sensor fields for a specific sensor:

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/sensors/{sensorname}/fields
Privacy Public or Private
Format json
Method GET
Returns Appropriate HTTP status code; OK 200 - if successful

To query a single sensor field for a specific sensor:

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/sensors/{sensorname}/fields/{fieldName}
Privacy Public or Private
Format json
Method GET
Returns Appropriate HTTP status code; OK 200 - if successful

2.5.2. Updating a Sensor Field

You can update or add a sensor field by performing a PUT operation to the specified field. The field information is supplied in a JSON format.

If the sensor already has a field with the given name, it will be updated with new information. Otherwise, a new field with that name will be created.


  • When inputting field data, the sub-fields “name” and “type” are required-both for adding a new field or updating an existing one.
  • Read only sub-fields such as index, value and lastUpdate should not be supplied.
  • The “name” sub-field of an existing field cannot be updated.
  • For user defined fields, the “longName”, “type”, “required”, and “units” sub-fields may be updated.
  • You cannot change the index of a field. If a field is deleted, the index of the following fields will be adjusted to maintain the field order.

To update/add a sensor field:

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/sensors/{sensorname}/fields/{fieldname}
Privacy Private
Format json
Method PUT
Returns HTTP status code; No Content 204 if successful

For instance, to create a new field called “test-field”:


curl --user {id}:{password} --request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @field-data.txt

The file field-data.txt could contain the following. (This is the minimal information needed to create a new field.)


To then update “test-field” sub-fields, the curl command would be used to send a PUT request.


curl --user {id}:{password} --request PUT
--header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @field-data.txt

And ‘’field-data.txt’’ could now contain the following.

        "longName":"Test Field",

2.5.3. Deleting a Sensor Field

You can delete an existing sensor field by performing a DELETE and including the field name in the URL.

To delete a sensor field:

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/sensors/{sensorname}/fields/{fieldname}
Privacy Private
Format n/a
Returns HTTP status code; No Content 204 if successful