2.11. Sensor Groups

Sensor Groups are used to logically organize related sensors. A Sensors can be a member of many groups.

Currently, all Sensor Groups have public visibility, but only the owner (creator) can add/remove sensors from the group.

Sensor Groups can be manipulated using a REST API in the following section

2.11.1. Sensor Group Format

All request body and response bodies use JSON. The following fields are present:

Field Name Type Required Notes
id Integer true The id contains a unique number which is used to identify the group
name String[4,50] true The name is a system-unique string identifier for the group. Names must be lowercase containing alphanumeric, underscores or hyphens [a-z0-9_-]. The first character must be an alphabetic character
longName String[,255] optional A readable name used for visual interfaces.
owner String[4,50] true The name of the group’s owner. This field is set by the system and cannot be modified.
description String[,255] optional A simple description of the group
imageUrl String[,255] optional A string url to an image which can be used to represent this group
sensors Array[Sensor] optional Contains a JSON list of sensors. This field is only useful for viewing sensors. To append/remove sensors from Sensor Groups, refer to Adding a Sensor to Sensor Group.

An example of a Sensor Group JSON would be follows:

  id: 49,
  name: "water-sensor",
  longName: "A water sensor",
  owner: "robertl",
  description: "This is a short description",
  imageUrl: "http://someurl.com/water-sensor.jpg"
  sensors: []

2.11.2. List Groups

Provides a list of groups on the system as an array using the JSON format specified in Sensor Group Format

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups/
Method GET
Returns OK 200, along with list


curl --user {id}:{password} --request GET 'http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups'

2.11.3. Viewing a Single Sensor Group

Similar to listing a group, but retrieving only a single sensor. Replace {group-name} with group.id or group.name. The API accepts both formats

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups/{group-name}
Method GET
Returns OK 200


curl --user {id}:{password} --request GET 'http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups'

2.11.4. Creating a Sensor Group

To create a sensor group, append the Sensor Group contents following Sensor Group Format.

On creation, the id and owner fields are ignored because they are system generated.

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups
Method POST
Returns If a sensor with the same name exists, ERROR 409. Otherwise, OK 204.

2.11.5. Modifying Sensor Group Fields

Modifying is similar to creation, the content is placed in the response body

Again, the id and owner fields in the JSON object are ignored if they are modified. The Sensor Group is specified by substituting {group-name} in the URL with either group.id or group.name. The API accepts both formats.

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups/{group-name}
Method PUT
Returns If user has no permissions to edit group, returns UNAUTHORIZED 401, otherwise OK 204

2.11.6. Deleting a Sensor Group

Deleting a Sensor Group is fairly trivial, assuming you are the owner of the group. A request body is unnecessary.

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups/{group-name}
Returns If user has no permissions to edit group, returns UNAUTHORIZED 401, otherwise OK 204

2.11.7. Adding a Sensor to Sensor Group

This is done by invoking the URL by replacing the specified parameters where {group-name} can be group.id or group.name. {sensor-id} should be sensor.id.

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups/{group-name}/sensors/{sensor-id}
Method POST

The response will contain one of the following response codes.

Return Code Description
OK 204 No Content is given.
400 Sensor is already a member of sensor group
401 User is unauthorized to edit group.

2.11.8. Removing a Sensor from Sensor Group

The format is the same as Adding a Sensor to Sensor Group except replacing method with DELETE

URL http://wotkit.sensetecnic.com/api/groups/{group-name}/sensors/{sensor-id}

The response will contain one of the following codes.

Return Code Description
OK 204 No Content is given. If a sensor does not exist in a group, this is also returned.
401 User is unauthorized to edit group